Saturday, September 18, 2010


Tyler is my best guy friend, even though he's two years younger than me. He's probably my favorite friend, because we have so much fun together. He's the vocals of his band. We go to shows together very often. I remember the first day that I met him, we had so much fun goofing around at my friend's house, even though he stole my ice cream. He gets me through rough times with my family. We spend at least two hours on the phone every night talking to each other, which usually ends up us both falling asleep while still on the phone. Every time we hang out, doesn't matter at what time, he makes me waffles with whipped cream and strawberries, because he knows it's my favorite. He's very protective of me, which honestly, gets kind of annoying, but that's okay. He's scared of my road rage, but anyone would have to be crazy to not be scared of it. He's my favorite person to spend my time with because I barely see him.

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